Australian Satellite Image DVD
FISH FINDER TM satellite imagery is now better .... and cheaper. This exclusive new data DVD was released on August 12, 2006. Fishermen, hunters, miners, water borers, bushwalkers and others will find practical uses for this disk. An Internet connection is not required to run the program, meaning it is faster than internet-based satellite solutions and cheaper for users who are paying for downloads.
It is also fully mobile for use in laptop PCs in your car or boat - an internet connection is only needed to obtain a key to unlock the full-blown version of OziExplorer if you choose to upgrade. Once the key is downloaded you do not need the internet to run this disk.
The DVD combines the best coastal imagery from two 25m-pixel satellite image datasets of Australia, including one dataset of the whole Australian continent.
The two images are provided in natural colour schemes, giving different perspectives of the coast and providing an alternative clear view in small areas where cloud cover might obscure land on one image.
Small billabongs and creeks are easy to see. Many vehicle bush tracks through the bush can be seen, as well as shallow reefs, sandbars and weedbeds.
Mountain ranges, watersheds, hills and rocky outcrops can easily be recognised. In remote areas the image quality is often better than currently provided by online image suppliers.
Users can zoom in and out, take GPS positions and measure distances using the ER Viewer software, or use the huge range of extra functions available with the OziExplorer trial/freeware software, including real-time GPS connectivity.
The software requires a computer with Windows 98 or later, at least 32meg of RAM and a DVD drive. The software is loaded on your computer, but the image stays on the DVD, unless you have approx three gigabytes of hard drive space to load the image.
We recommend the DVD above which has imagery of all of Australia for just $24.95 |

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